Hot Tapping can be done on almost all type of pipes, including Iron, Steel,Concrete, and Plastic. Herein the technician provides a branch connection to alive pipe (there is no need to shut down the operations). A short section ofpipe is used, to which an isolating valve is either welded or fitted by
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Once done with the fitting work (and the valve in the open position),the technician drills the pipe through the valve. Once the drilling iscompleted, the valve is closed and the drilling equipment is removed. This isthe process of Hot Tapping. Usuallythe process is completed without any leakage or loss of flow. Another wonderfulfeature of Hot Tapping Services is the fact that it can be performed on almostall types of pipes in live operation. There are a number of Hot TappingServices providers in the market. Almost all of them have their online presencewhere they showcase all their services and offer competitive quotes. Now, ifyou need Hot Tapping Services for your needs, you can choose one with greatease. Although there are many service providers in the market, you should selecta professional and experienced one. Beginwith Internet – Type your query in a popular search engine and press ENTER. Youwould be surprised to find out the numbers of Hot Tapping Services Providers inthe market. Now, take your time, go through the sites of some selected ones,and choose 3 or 4 out of all. Now, ask these selected service providers tooffer you a competitive quote. Once you receive these quotes, you are in a muchbetter position to choose an ideal one for your needs. Anotherway to find a trusted Hot Tapping Services provider is by asking some of yourknown-ones in the business community. All this will help you find a reliableservice provider and get your damaged pipes repaired at the earliest.
At Allied Pipefreezing, we work in a widevariety of industries providing a range of pipeline isolation techniques tosuit most customer requirements. With the benefit of our knowledge andexperience, we have satisfied customers in a variety of industries, includingOil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Local Government, Healthcare Sector,Petrochemical, Manufacturing, Engineering, Education, Food, and Drink. Visitour website for more information on HotTapping Services and Stopple.